Oregon Holiday Travel Tips

A lot of people might not be traveling this year due to the current state of the World. If you are planning to travel this year in, to or from Oregon, we travel tips for you. 

Whether you will be traveling by train, plane, or automobile; you can apply these tips and stay safe.

1. Plan A Head

Make a plan of what method of travel you are taking, and what route you will take. If you are traveling by plane or train, you will of course have less planning to do. Those of you driving, map at your route, and if it’s a long drive, have predetermined towns to stop for the night. 

2. Allow Extra Time For Airports

Due to the given situation of the world, the already crazy and crowded airports are going to take more time. Not only do you have security, but you will more than likely have health and safety checks too. 

3. Prepare For The Climate

If you are coming from out of state, now Oregon can get cold and snow. Make sure your vehicles and clothing are set for cold weather. If there is snow, look out for ice. This can sometimes be tough to spot and if you are a place of business they should have safety measures in place. Aaron Tillmann, a personal injury attorney in Portland said “It’s unfortunate at this time of year, we see increased cases due to the ice on the roads and walkways.”

4. Pack Accordingly 

If you are flying, you won’t be able to bring everything you want, so make sure to check the local weather to where you are going in Oregon. Pack plenty of warm clothes, but save room for the Christmas gifts you are packing. If you are driving, odds are you will have more room to pack. Still you don’t want to over pack. Make sure to leave room so you and your passengers can ride comfortably. 

5. Have A Backup Plan

Sometimes, things don’t get the way we plan, so be prepared. If driving, plan a second route or use your GPS to find alternative routes in case there is construction or bad weather

6. Have Fun

The most important tip, have fun! It’s been a wild year, so enjoy the time with family and friends. Enjoy your Holidays and stay safe. 

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