Top 10 Causes Of Car Accidents and How To Prevent Them

There are an estimated 279.6 million cars on the road, with that many cars it is safe to say there is going to be a lot of wrecks on the roads. 

We are going to look at the top 10 causes of car accidents and give you a few tips to help prevent them. At the end of the day, we are all busy, always in a hurry, and no one wants to get in a wreck.

1. Distracted Driving 

Ever since the rise of smartphones, distracted driving accidents have been on the rise. If we all put our phones out of arm’s reach and didn’t text or call while driving, we cut down on a lot of accidents. Not to mention if you run into someone, they could get a car accident attorney and file a lawsuit against you. So, pay attention. 

2. Drinking & Driving

If you’re wondering if insurance rates are affected by a DUI, in most cases, they will astronomically. Drinking and driving is another cause that can easily be avoided. Even if you feel you are “ok” to drive, don’t risk your life or anyone else’s on the road. It is much safer and cheaper to get an Uber, get a ride, or stay where you are. 

3. Speeding

I get it, we are all in a hurry! Speeding to get to our destination quicker, defeats the purpose if we cause a wreck, especially if someone else gets injured from actions. It won’t be worth it, so let’s slow down. 

4. Weather 

Bad weather can make the roads a mess, with heavy rain or snow and ice. If it is possible, try to limit driving in bad weather. If you can’t, go slower than the speed limit and give yourself plenty of distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. 

5. Reckless Driving

Reckless driving helps no one. It is a careless act that puts the rest of the vehicles on the road in danger. Swerving in and out of lanes, running red lights, and tailgating. Slow down and relax, you will get to your destination. 

6. Night Driving

When it is dark, it’s no question that it is harder to see. Give yourself plenty of space between you and the vehicles on the road. When traveling down roads with poor lighting, slow down and be extra cautious. 

7. Driving Down The Wrong Side Of The Road

Some towns and cities, they have one way streets, and sometimes it is extremely tough to tell. When you are in a new area especially, put your phone down while you are stopped at the light and observe the cars around you. Also, look at the road lines, are the white for one way or yellow for a two way road? 

8. Teenage Drivers

Do you remember what it was like getting your license? Full of excitement and ready to tear up the roads! Nowadays with all the technology and smartphones, teen drivers have even more distractions than the generations before them. Try to get your kids to understand the dangers of car wrecks and not paying attention. 

9. Drugs

Similar to drinking and driving, drugs can impair our senses and slow down reaction times, making us more prone to accidents. If you are going to use illegal drugs or prescription, think twice and don’t drive. Don’t put other people in harm’s way because you got high and wanted to drive. 

10. Animal Crossings

This depends on where you from, but some states; it isn’t uncommon to have deer, hogs, or even cows crossing highways. They usually will come out at night to move around, so now it will be tougher for you to see. Go slow, take your time, and always be paying attention. 

Stay Safe

Remember, showing up a little late is better than not showing up at all. Take your time, be cautious, the roads are a dangerous place. If we all do our part and slow down, we can minimize the accidents. 

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