What is the Deadliest Day of the Year for Pedestrians?

Did you know that over six thousand pedestrians die in the United States each year? The most shocking part is that there is one day of the year that is three to four times deadlier than all of the other days. Can you guess what it is? The answer can really make your spine shiver – it’s Halloween. 

Halloween is the most dangerous holiday for pedestrians, and it’s right around to corner, so it’s crucial to understand the safety risks of taking your child trick or treating. Most people leave the house without thinking about anything life-changing happening, such as car accidents, yet they occur more often than we are aware of. Halloween is one of the worst days of the year for pedestrian safety and this blog exposes the dark truth about this holiday. 

Some of the most shocking and alarming statistics will be discussed, we will explain why Halloween is the reason behind this, we will explain the role of distracted drivers and law enforcement, and give you some tips on pedestrian safety for Halloween. It is very important to contact an Everett personal injury lawyer today if you or anybody close to you sustained injuries in a pedestrian accident to secure your rights.

How Many Fatal Pedestrian Accidents Occur on Halloween?

Pedestrian fatalities in the United States are the highest they’ve been in forty years. According to the US Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration, pedestrian fatalities in crashes have increased by 53% from 2009 to 2018. In order to increase awareness and promote safety, I’ve listed some shocking statistics about pedestrian deaths on Halloween below: 

  • According to the National Safety Council, children are more than twice as likely to get hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year. 
  • According to a 2019 study by Jama Pediatrics, the risk of a pedestrian fatality was 43% higher on Halloween compared with control evenings
  • On average, Halloween results in 4 additional pedestrian deaths compared to other days
  • Among children, pedestrians aged 4-8 years, had a ten-fold increase in pedestrian fatality risk on Halloween compared to other times of the year.

Why is Halloween the Deadliest Day for Pedestrians?

A number of factors can explain why pedestrian fatal accident rates are higher on Halloween than on any other day. 

  • Lack of Visibility: Since festivities mostly take place in the night and evening, insufficient natural light becomes an important issue. The majority of Halloween costumes are quite creative and colorful, but this is not enough for pedestrian visibility towards the drivers.
  • Lack of Adult Supervision: Eager and excited children search for candy in residential areas with minimal adult supervision in most cases, thereby increasing the risk of accidents. It’s important to stay accountable for your little ones on a night like this.
  • Drunk Drivers: What is typically an exciting and thrilling night, inspires many people to host parties and consume lots of alcohol. However, some people take to driving while under the influence, leading to impaired judgment, reduced reaction time, and a greater likelihood of accidents. These drivers are an imminent danger to pedestrians, particularly in neighborhoods overrun by trick-or-treaters.
  • Costume Obscurity: with the darkness in the evening and the use of dark and concealed costumes, it is easy for a pedestrian to be looked over or unseen by a driver. Costume safety should be considered since intricate disguises can compromise movement and vision.
  • No Curfew: These dangers are further compounded by the absence of a curfew on this festive night, which allows for extended hours of activity.

This calls for the implementation of practical traffic safety measures and adequate guidance and supervision of the adults and children on Halloween and throughout the year to curb the high pedestrian deaths.

Halloween Safety Tips and Tricks

During the season of Halloween, it is necessary to keep in mind that safety is always an integral part of having fun. Here are some Halloween safety tips and tricks to enable everyone to have a hauntingly good time. 

Safety Tips For Pedestrians:

  • Costumes: Wear bright, wear reflective clothing. Avoid long costumes that can cause trips and falls, and try not to wear full-face masks that will restrict your vision.
  • Walking: Use the sidewalk, look both ways before crossing, never assume the right of way, and cross the street at corners, crosswalks, or traffic lights 
  • Buddy System: Walk on well-lit streets and never go anywhere alone!

Safety Tips For Drivers:

  • Driving Under the Influence: DO NOT drive under the influence under any circumstances. By making responsible choices behind the wheel, we can help keep Halloween a joyful and accident-free occasion for everyone.
  • Be Extra Cautious: Make sure you are not distracted on your phone, talking to someone, or doing anything else besides focusing on the road. This is especially important when driving through residential areas. Children may dart out unexpectedly and it’s up to you to avoid hitting them.
  • Drive at or Under the Speed Limit: Obviously, you should not be speeding on Halloween, however, it can be a very proactive safety measure to pay extra attention to your speed. In residential areas, make sure to go slow over speed bumps, around corners, and at crosswalks. Always come to a complete stop at stop signs. 

These simple precautions can be very instrumental in making Halloween a memorable and fun experience for everyone.

The Role of Law Enforcement on Halloween

During Halloween, the role of law enforcement in promoting safety and preventing accidents becomes crucial. Several law enforcement agencies across the country are becoming active in efforts to improve Halloween safety. Discretionary patrols in residential areas and popular areas are often increased or used to ensure traffic rules are obeyed and to prevent reckless driving. Law enforcement also creates public awareness campaigns and distribution of safety materials to educate communities about the potential dangers of the holiday. 

Many states across the nation are restricting motor vehicle access across some of the most popular and highly trafficked pedestrian streets. For instance, St. Petersburg, Florida has shut down two miles of streets on Halloween night. Rather than having potential hazards for pedestrians, they replaced traffic with pedestrian-friendly attractions like live music and costume contests. 

It is important for everyone to know the legal consequences of reckless driving on Halloween, which can include not only fines and penalties but also possible criminal charges, especially if alcohol or drugs are involved. Law enforcement vigilance and determination to maintain order on Halloween plays an important role in creating a safe and happy environment for all.

Let’s Continue to Make Halloween a Safe and Fun Holiday for us All

We urge all readers to make safety a priority during Halloween. Whether you are a passenger, driver, or parent, it is important to take precautions, be vigilant and spread awareness of the dangers of this holiday. By working together and implementing safety measures, we can help keep Halloween night a fun and festive night with no horrific pedestrian accidents. 

Trick-or-treating should not be abolished in a misguided effort to eliminate Halloween-associated risk. Instead, policymakers, physicians, and parents should act to make residential streets safer for pedestrians on Halloween and throughout the year. Stay safe, be careful, and make this Halloween a truly memorable and safe experience for all. Be sure to share this article to spread awareness.

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