Unexpected Road Hazards for Motorcyclists

Multiple hazards and negligent drivers can cause a motorcycle accident, unfortunately, a biker is more likely to suffer serious injuries compared to a motor vehicle driver. A motorcyclist is less protected than a car driver and depending on the speed and specifics of the crash they can even be thrown off their motorcycle. No matter how long you will be traveling, you should always wear a helmet and extra protection such as gloves, pants, and boots to reduce the risk of suffering severe injuries in case of a crash. Learn about the unexpected hazards you can face on the road and how to avoid an accident.

Poorly Maintained Roads

Defective or hazardous roads are a danger to both motorcyclists and motor vehicle drivers. Even the most experienced motorcycle driver may not be able to stop or drive around an unexpected hazard on the road. Some hazards that could cause a serious accident include, cracks on the road, loose gravel or fallen rocks, potholes, debris or trash, missing or illegible road signs, uneven shoulders, and more. City and state governments have an obligation to properly maintain roads, if a hazardous or defective road condition caused your accident, you may have to file a claim against the government entity responsible for maintaining that road. Speak with a motorcycle accident attorney to discuss how you can recover compensation for these types of accidents.

Animals on the Road

It’s important to stay alert while driving, not only to what other drivers are doing and their movements, but also to any animals that may cross the road. A collision with a large animal such as a deer could cause serious or even fatal injuries. Swerving to avoid hitting an animal could result in skidding off the road or hitting another vehicle. Be especially careful at nighttime when it is harder to see if an animal is about to cross.

Open Car Doors

As a motorcycle driver you should be careful when you’re driving next to parked cars, people getting out of their vehicle may not notice you’re coming their way and will open their car door and accidentally hit you. Keep enough distance between you and parked vehicles to avoid getting hit by an opening door, slow down and be prepared to hit the breaks in case a driver doesn’t notice you and suddenly opens their door.

Mechanical Failure or Defective Products

A defective component or a mechanical failure in a motorcycle could also lead to an accident. It could be a faulty brake system, a tire blowout due to a defective tire, or other mechanical failures. In these instances, when an accident is caused by a defective product, you could have a product liability claim in your hands. Speak to an accident attorney to determine if a negligent manufacturer may be responsible for your accident. You could recover compensation for property damage, injuries, lost wages, and other losses from the accident.

Bad Weather

Extreme weather conditions like rain or snow could also lead to a motorcycle accident. Excessive rain could cause roads to be slippery and may be harder for motorcyclists to turn and brake safely. Other drivers on the road may also be experiencing difficulties when driving and could result in a collision with a motorcyclist. If you are driving during bad weather, make sure you take the necessary precautions by slowing down, paying attention to traffic signals, staying alert of other drivers’ movements, and making sure you have the right equipment to drive safely. If you can, avoid driving during extreme weather.

As a motorcycle driver, you are more likely to suffer severe injuries in an accident, which is why it’s important to be aware of the different causes of a motorcycle accident and how you can protect yourself and prevent them. Sometimes a crash is caused by the negligent actions of another driver, if this is your case then you can seek justice by pursuing an injury claim.