Tips for Responsible Drinking During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration spent alongside family and friends; it also a notorious time for drinking alcohol. Whether you are toasting to the start of the new year or indulging in a festive martini, alcohol consumption is highly popular during the holidays. However, drinking alcohol is associated with many risks, including overdose and driving under the influence. Therefore, let’s explore some tips to help you drink responsibly during the holiday season and avoid the risk of life-altering repercussions. 

Pace Yourself

One important way to drink responsibly during the holiday season is to pace yourself. To do this, you want to limit yourself to one standard drink per hour. In doing this, you will be able to enjoy drinks for the duration of the event and decrease the likelihood of getting heavily intoxicated very quickly. If it is helpful, you can also keep a tally of the number of drinks you have had as a reminder. It is also advised to avoid drinking games, as they encourage rapid drinking in a limited amount of time. Take time sipping on your drink and know your limits.

Have a Designated Driver

This next tip is an incredibly important one. Driving while under the influence (DUI) of either drugs or alcohol is irresponsible, unsafe, and prohibited by law. If you are pulled over under suspicion that you are driving under the influence, you are at risk of receiving a DUI. Studies show that DUI accidents increase around the holidays for a number of reasons. Getting charged with a DUI will go on your criminal record and will follow you around for life, making it difficult to do things such as seek employment or rent a home. If you are charged with a DUI, it is important to speak with an Indianapolis criminal defense attorney who can help you navigate the nuanced legal field. 

It is important to organize a safe ride home after drinking. Whether there is an individual at your event who has been chosen as a “designated driver” or you opt to use ridesharing options, it is important that you have a safe and sober means of transportation.

Drink Water

Drinking alcohol can have several effects on the body, one of which is dehydration. Alcohol is considered a diuretic, which can have adverse side effects, such as loss of fluids and the need to urinate more frequently. This results in you getting dehydrated at a much more rapid rate. Therefore, it is vital that you drink water while drinking alcohol in order to balance out the loss of fluids. Additionally, you can indulge in some non-alcoholic drinks, such as a soda as well. 

Eat Food

It is also important to eat food prior to drinking, as drinking on an empty stomach can be dangerous. When you drink on an empty stomach, the alcohol hits you at a much faster rate since there is nothing there to absorb it. It is encouraged to eat food both during and after drinking to help slow the rate of alcohol absorption to your bloodstream and stay more sober.

Drink Responsibly

While it is permissible to celebrate the holiday season with alcohol, it is important to practice responsible drinking tips in order to avoid some serious repercussions. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

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