Study: Pedestrian-Vehicle Related Accidents in the U.S.

Pedestrian safety remains a safety concern everywhere in the United States. Pedestrian accident rates still remain high in the U.S., with over 6,000 pedestrian fatalities in 2018 alone. Unfortunately, the number of accidents involving pedestrians is only rising.Plenty of studies have been done to analyze where and how these accidents in the U.S. are happening. For example, Cannon & Dunphy S.C., a personal injury law firm based in Wisconsin, created a study that took a close look at pedestrian-vehicle related accidents in a 5 year time frame.

Pedestrian Accidents

Crosswalks and sidewalks are designated areas for pedestrians to use, but they are still accident-prone areas and pedestrians should always be cautious and aware of motor vehicles. Some of the most common accidents involving pedestrians are due to driver negligence. Common ways drivers can be dangerous and negligent are:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding 
  • Driving under the influence
  • Disobeying traffic signs and laws



These maps illustrate the number of pedestrian fatalities in the United States. Based on the first map, the top three states with the highest deaths in 2018 were California, Florida, and Texas. Meanwhile the top three states with the lowest deaths were New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Washington D.C.

The second map looks at pedestrian fatalities and total fatalities of everyone involved in a car accident from 2014 to 2018. The total percentage of fatalities in that time frame is what’s presented on the second map. In the five-year time frame, there were some interesting data facts. It’s clear that larger, urbanized states such as New York, D.C., CA, and New Jersey are likely to have higher pedestrian accidents. This can be due to city infrastructure, compact areas, closer proximities with sidewalks and streets etc. On the other hand, rural states with wider space, tend to have higher car accident fatalities. States such as Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota reflect that on the map, with their lower pedestrian fatalities.

Pedestrian tips

Unfortunately, being in an accident is inevitable, however, there are precautions you and your loved ones can take when walking in your community. The Wisconsin personal injury attorneys at the law firm that conducted this particular study, compiled a list of safety tips to follow. Some of these include:

  • Always use the sidewalks if an option
  • Avoid using electronic devices when walking on sidewalks or crosswalks
  • Don’t be under a substance such as drugs or alcohol when walking as this can impair judgment
  • Only cross the streets when permitted to

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