Steps to Take After a Car Accident

A car accident can be a scary, stressful, and traumatizing experience. Even if it is a minor collision, the thought of operating a vehicle again can be fearful for anyone involved. You can take as many precautions to lower your risks of being in one, however, it doesn’t make them completely inevitable. Most people that get in an accident do not know what to do in the aftermath. It’s important to be prepared and gather as much evidence from the accident as possible. Follow these steps to ensure you know what to do if you ever find yourself in this unfortunate event.

Report the Accident

Following an accident, it’s important to report the incident to your insurance company. Depending on the severity of the crash, and if any one involved sustained any injuries, you’ll also want to report the event to law enforcement. If you do not report the accident to your insurance company, this can easily jeopardize your chances of filing a claim. 

Gather Information and Evidence

If you are mentally and physically okay from the accident with no injuries to the body, you will need to gather as much information from the scene as possible. Be ready to take photos in all angles of the collision. Capture photos of the debris on the road, and the surrounding areas. If the accident occured on the streets, make sure to take note of the names of the cross streets.

Next, it’s crucial to get the contact information of everyone involved in the crash. Get their phone numbers, their vehicle license plate numbers, and their insurance company information. If there were any witnesses to the accident, kindly ask them for their contact information as well. This will be beneficial when determining who was at fault, and any witnesses can help corroborate your story.

Determining Liability

If necessary, you can file a car accident lawsuit and sue the parties involved. By bringing all the parties into a claim, you can potentially increase your chances of securing all the compensation you may be owed. 

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Depending on the severity of the accident, consider hiring a car accident attorney. If you or anyone involved in your party was injured, or if you have reason to believe the other parties involved will sue, you’ll definitely want to have a lawyer on your side, especially when it comes to the investigation of insurers. When hiring a lawyer, it’s pivotal to choose one that is experienced in car accident cases, has proven results, and one you will get along with. When liability is not clear and more investigation is needed, the case could be a long process, so you’ll want a lawyer you can trust and feel comfortable with.

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