September Safety Tips

September means back to school and the beginning of the fall season. For many, autumn brings colder weather and the preparation of various holidays, family gatherings and seasonal activities. Unfortunately, fall also brings unique safety hazards that can put everyone, including your loved ones, at risk.

September safety is everyone’s concern. This September, don’t let an accident or hazard negatively affect your month: by prioritizing safety, you can help mitigate the chance of an unfortunate incident by planning ahead.

Back to School Safety

As kids and teenagers return to school, certain safety concerns must be top-of-mind. Reiterate the importance of pedestrian safety, especially in school zones and during rush hour traffic times.

Just because pedestrians have the right-of-way doesn’t mean it is always safe to cross. “Don’t assume a driver can see you,” note Seattle personal injury lawyers at The Fang Law Firm, “make eye contact with the driver before proceeding across the road – a driver looking the other way or looking past you may not see you.” Remind your children to pause their music and put their phones down anytime they are a pedestrian.

Weather Awareness

September weather varies for each area, so ensure to be prepared no matter what the forecast brings! If you live in a hot climate, ensure you are properly hydrated and have appropriate clothing to stay cool and keep the sun out of your eyes and off your face. Pack sunscreen with SPF 30 or above and remember to take breaks in the shade often.

If you live in a climate that experiences cooler weather, wear and bring warm clothing. Opt for beanies, extra socks and gloves, especially in the evening.

Home Safety

Autumn brings unique safety concerns to homeowners and renters alike. As leaves fall, they can clog up gutters and drains, which can impact the effectiveness of house systems during rainy days. Ensure gutters are cleaned regularly and leaves are disposed of properly.

Before you light your fireplace, ensure it has been serviced and cleaned. Keep your favorite candles a safe distance away from flammable materials, and never leave candles, fireplaces, stoves or ovens unattended, even for a moment.

Double check all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to confirm they are working properly and batteries are effective. It may also be a good idea to locate your fire extinguisher and keep it in an easily accessible place.

Road Safety

The holidays can unfortunately mean more dangerous experiences on the road. Whether you are driving down the street, running to the store or embarking on a long distance road trip, unexpected weather or hazards can appear.

Ensure you are following all posted speed limits and leaving ample room for the car in front of you. Abide by all posted traffic signs and if traveling during peak times, aim to leave early to help mitigate stress and prepare for traffic.

Weather preparedness is also critical if you are driving during inclement weather: ensure your car has had proper maintenance (for both hot and cold climates!) and that your car is stocked with adequate supplies in case of an emergency.

September Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility

This September, put safety first. Don’t let an accident or hazard negatively impact your month: by prioritizing safety, you can help mitigate the chance of an unfortunate incident by planning ahead!

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