Recalled Breast Implants Linked to Cancer

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2018 over 300,000 people underwent this procedure in the U.S. Breast surgery can improve a person’s appearance by making breasts more symmetrical, increase their size or reconstruct them after a mastectomy. The popularity of this plastic surgery makes it hard to believe that there could be a significant risk related to the implants. But in July 2019, the FDA recalled Allergan textured breast implants and tissue expanders due to a risk of developing a rare type of non-Hodkgin’s lymphoma.

What is Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma?

Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is not breast cancer, it is a rare type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that attacks the immune system. The cancerous cells form in the scar tissue surrounding the breast implant. BIA-ALCL develops most frequently in patients with textured breast implants, just like the recalled Allergan BIOCELL textured implants. On rare occasions, the cancer can spread outside the breast’s scar tissue into other parts of the body.

How is it Diagnosed?

Early diagnosis is key in treating this type of cancer. There are some common symptoms that may indicate an illness related to your textured breast implants, these include unexplained swelling many years after surgery, breast deformities, lumps in the breast and/or armpit, fluid buildup, painful and hard breasts. A doctor may request a mammogram, MRI, CAT scan, ultrasound and/or a biopsy to properly diagnose BIA-ALCL and determine the best treatment to go forward.

Who may be affected by BIA-ALCL?

Patients who have any of the Allergan BIOCELL recalled breast implants or tissue expanders.

BIA-ALCL is a very rare cancer that won’t affect people who don’t have a textured implant in their bodies. If you have another type of implant that is not the Allergan BIOCELL implant it is extremely unlikely that you will develop BIA-ALCL at any point in your life. Studies estimate in the low range 1 in every 3,817 patients with implants and the high range 1 in every 30,000 patients with breast implants will develop this disease.

People with Allergan textured breast implants may feel the urge to have them removed, but the FDA is not recommending their removal unless you show symptoms of BIA-ALCL of have been diagnosed with it.

Other Complications Associated with Breast Implants

Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a condition that women associate is caused by their breast implants. Symptoms of BII include depression, dizziness, nausea, confusion, memory problems, headaches, insomnia, chills, chronic pain, anxiety, fatigue, and others. Women who have their breast implants removed reported that all or most of their symptoms disappeared. Doctors and the medical community do not recognize Breast Implant Illness as a disease and have stated that there is insufficient data to support the theory that these symptoms are caused by breast implants.

Undergoing a plastic surgery, such as breast augmentation or reconstruction, is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Consult with a certified plastic surgeon who has the education and expertise to provide you with the best medical care. Research about the different types of implants and surgical techniques available and have an open conversation with your doctor on what is the best option for you.

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