Playground Safety Tips

Charming little girl leaning on jungle gym ladder surrounded by her friends

For most kids and parents being at the playground means having fun outside and enjoying the warm sunny days. While it’s great to be able to let your kids play on a playground, it’s important to keep safety in mind so that the kids can enjoy themselves without the fear of getting injured. Here are some playground safety tips to consider to keep your kids safe.

Remember Sunblock  

One of the worst things to have happen is for the kids to be playing and having fun, unaware of too much sun exposure. Without a short period of time it is possible to develop a sunburn if left unprotected and the longer that kids spend out in the sun, the worse that sunburn can be. It’s even possible to end up with severe burns due to sun exposure for long periods. 

Without a short period of time it is possible to develop a sunburn if left unprotected and the longer that kids spend out in the sun, the worse that sunburn can be. It’s even possible to end up with severe burns due to sun exposure for long periods. 

The best protection is to remember sunblock when playing outside. A base layer of SPF 30 or higher is a good idea and using a type of sunblock that won’t come off easily, such as a water/sweat resistant blend is even better. The more seriously we take sun safety, the better it is for our kids while they are outside playing. 

Keep Hydrated 

We want our kids to be able to have a good time while playing at the playground, but it’s also important to get them to take regular breaks and drink water so that they can stay hydrated. Getting the kids to stop playing might be a bit frustrating sometimes but keeping hydrated is more important than missing a few minutes of play and it can prevent dehydration and heat stroke

Experts recommend that you let kids take a break every 30 minutes and make sure to drink at least 6 cups of water per day on a hot day, more if they are engaging in strenuous activity such as sports. Playgrounds can seem very tame, but if the kids are doing a ton of running around, make sure they are stopping to get enough water. 

Don’t Forget Bug Spray and Watch Out For Hazardous Insects 

We all know what a nuisance flies and mosquitoes can be on a hot summer day. To keep your kids safe from these winged annoyances, it’s recommended to keep bug spray handy and  keep an eye out for the pesky critters. A single mosquito can leave numerous bites all over a defenseless child. 

Another thing to remember is that some bugs are more than just annoying. Ant beds, spiders and other critters can be incredibly dangerous, so it’s a good idea to do a good check of the playground to make sure there’s no surprises waiting for the kids while they play. 

Check Playground Equipment Temperature 

Those of us of a certain age might remember some playground equipment like slides that were made of metal. If this is the case, these objects can be quite dangerous on a hot day. The sun can quickly heat up metal playground equipment like slides and merry-go-rounds to scalding temperatures and a poor child that tries to use them can end up with serious injuries as a result. 

It’s a good idea to check the temperature of the playground equipment to make sure it’s safe and if not, make sure that the kids steer clear of it at all costs. 

Make Sure Playground Equipment is in Good Shape 

The shape of the playground equipment your kids are playing on is another concern. Wear and tear can cause equipment to malfunction, as can faulty construction. If you see a swing or slide that looks rusted and worn down, it might be a better idea to keep the kids away from it rather than letting them play on it. 

It might make finding the ideal playground for the kids a bit more difficult, but a playground that’s too old or poorly maintained is more of a hazard to playing children than it is a benefit, so it’s better to look for somewhere else to play than risk an injury. 

By following these simple playground safety tips you can make sure your kids have a fun time playing without worrying about anyone getting injured while they enjoy themselves. 

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