Four Steps You Should Take After a Car Accident

The most important thing to do in the moments after a car accident is to ensure that you and the others involved are safe. Although it’s easy to feel frantic and overwhelmed, try to remain calm and take the following five steps to protect your rights when it comes time to file a claim. 

1.  Call 9-1-1

Call 911 as soon as you can to report your car accident. Law enforcement and emergency responders will arrive on the scene to take a report and assist anyone who is injured. The responding officer will create an accident report that details the collision, which can be critical to proving fault. The report will note which party the officer believes caused the accident and how it occurred. Be sure to ask for a copy or how you can get one.

2.  Gather Evidence

If you are not medically transported to a hospital, gathering evidence at the scene is essential to your accident claim. This includes taking photos of: 

  • The positions of all vehicles involved
  • Damage to the vehicles 
  • The surrounding area and any damage
  • Skid marks and other markings on the road
  • Street signs and traffic signals
  • Road conditions and any hazards, such as potholes or uneven lanes
  • Your injuries

Be sure to ask the driver for their contact information, and contact information. If there are any eyewitnesses, ask if you can take a recorded statement and how you or your attorney can reach them in the future. 

3.  Seek Medical Treatment

Even if your injuries seem minor, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Serious injuries can exhibit delayed symptoms hours or even days later. Getting checked out right away is not only beneficial to your health but will provide documentation on the extent of your harm and provide a direct link between your injuries and the accident. If you fail to seek medical care soon after an accident, the insurance company can argue that your injuries were not caused by the car accident or are not as severe as you claim. 

4.  Speak To a Car Accident Lawyer

Obtaining the fair compensation you deserve can be challenging on your own. An experienced car accident lawyer will ensure your rights are protected and will not back down against the trucking company or their insurer. They will help you gather the necessary evidence you need to prove fault and obtain the amount of compensation you are owed.

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