Defensive Driving Tips to Prevent a Car Accident

If you’ve been in a car accident before, you know how traumatizing the experience can be. If you haven’t, the possibilities of being in one are high every time you get behind the wheel. As licensed drivers, we all have a responsibility to protect ourselves, our passengers, and the other drivers that share the same roads.

According to Driver Knowledge, on average, there are about 3.6 million car accidents per year in the United States. Despite the high number of accidents happening every year, there are many actions you can take to lower your chances of being in a car crash. Follow these tips below to make sure you take every precaution when getting on the road.

Limit Your Distractions


Let’s face it. We live in a technologically-advanced world where our biggest distractions involve technology. Whether you are responding to a text, switching a song on the radio, or changing settings on Google maps, it can wait. Let your friends and family know when you are driving so they know not to text or call you. If it cannot wait, pull over to a safe area to take care of these things. Don’t risk your life or others for being a distracted driver. The NHTSA reports that 3,166 lives were lost in 2017 due to distracted driving. Devote 100% of your attention to the road. 

Eating and drinking

Aside from texting and driving, there are other distractions drivers have on the road. Reaching over to grab that french fry inside the bag, or constantly looking down and up to grab a bite is dangerous! Avoid eating food that requires too much attention away from the road.

Conversations with Other Passengers

Keep your conversations to a minimum when there are other passengers in the car. Often times, drivers get too caught up in their discussions that their focus is diverted away.

Follow all Traffic Signs

We all know the infamous saying “no cop, no stop.” FYI, this is not a thing! It only takes a few seconds for an accident to occur and engaging in this behavior puts yourself and others in danger. Plus, getting pulled over for failing to obey traffic signs will result in an expensive ticket.

Make sure you are following all traffic and warning signs such as yielding, slowing down when the traffic light goes yellow, merging lanes, and more.

Watch out for Blind Spots

Adjust your seat and mirrors properly so you are able to see all surrounding areas. However, do not just rely on your mirrors to switch lanes. Turn your head to check that there aren’t any vehicles in your blind spots.

Be Extra Cautious at Night

When you are driving at night, be extra cautious of everything. Night driving is naturally more dangerous due to the lack of lighting. There is also a higher chance of people driving under the influence or with fatigue. Be alarmed.

Drive at the Right Speed Limit

It’s a known fact that speeding increases your chances of being in a more severe accident due to high-velocity objects colliding with stronger force. However, driving below the speed limit can be just as dangerous. Keep up with the flow of traffic.

Maintenance Your Car

Make sure your vehicle is running properly by getting routine maintenance every few months. Keep up with your oil changes and replacing brakes. If something does not sound or feel right when driving when in doubt, take it to an auto shop to get it checked out.

Wrap Up

Car accidents happen every day and there isn’t a 100% guarantee you won’t be involved in one, but by following these tips, you sure do lower your chances of being in one. If you’d like more information on car accidents and what to do in case you are involved in one, contact a Dallas car accident attorney where they’ll provide you trustful, legal advice.

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