Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are an unfortunate but very prevalent occurrence in the professional scope, with a number of employees injured each day. Although safety measures and regulations have been put in place by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), accidents still happen, ranging from minor injuries to catastrophic and life-threatening ones. Both employers and employees play an important role in minimizing the risk of injury through proactive safety measures, training, and adherences to guidelines. However, understanding what some of the most common workplace injuries are will help to create a safer and healthier working environment for all.

Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Slips, trips, and falls are some of the most common incidents that occur in the workplace. The National Safety Council (NSC) reported that the injury rate per 10,000 full-time workers was 22.6 from 2021-2022. These accidents can result from slippery floors, poor lighting, lack of caution signs, uneven surfaces, and more. Slips, trips, and falls are likely to result in muscle sprains, strains, and tears, which can range from mild to severe. 

Repetitive Strain Injuries

Another common type of injury that a number of individuals suffer from in the workplace is called a repetitive strain injury. This type of injury occurs when an employee repeats the same physical motion over and over again. As a result, your muscles, tendons, or nerves will likely be damaged. These injuries are most commonly seen with office and factory workers, as well as athletes. 

Ergonomic Injuries

Office ergonomics plays an important role in promoting employee wellness and productivity. Ergonomics in the workplace involves setting up your workstation so as to not injure yourself and to maintain good posture. Failure to use a proper ergonomics set up can result in a number of injuries including musculoskeletal issues, neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and eye strain. To help avoid these injuries, it is important that you sit with your feet flat on the floor, use a proper back rest, and adjust your computer so that your screen is at eye level. 


Overexertion occurs when you push your physical limits, leading to injury, discomfort, and pain. If not taken care of, overexertion can lead to tearing or overstretching your ligaments or muscles. Overexertion injuries are most commonly seen in labor intensive roles, such as in the service and transportation industries. 

Chemical Exposure

Exposure to hazardous or toxic chemicals is another common workplace injury that affects many employees each year. Being exposed to chemicals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and pesticides poses a threat to your health. Although OSHA has designed a set of standards to ensure chemical safety, not all employers follow these standards and accidents do sometimes occur. Symptoms of chemical exposure vary from person to person and are unique to each chemical, yet some common signs include headaches, shortness of breath, cancer, blurred vision, and diarrhea. 

Workplace Injuries Can Be Life-Altering

Suffering an injury while on the job can have a number of life-altering effects. From strained muscles to serious injuries, it is important that you take the proper steps to avoid being injured. In the event you are injured in the workplace, it is important to speak with a Los Angeles work injury lawyer to discuss the legal actions you should take in order to recover compensation for your lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.

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