Are Florida Teens Involved in Car Crashes More Often Than Adults?

A recent study on the most dangerous places for teen drivers in Florida by West Palm Beach personal injury law firm, LaBovick Law Group, revealed interesting statistics on teen drivers. One of these was that Florida teens, aged 14-17, are almost 6 times more likely to get into car collisions than adults. 

What Causes Teen Collisions?

There are multiple causes of teen car crashes. The most common cause of teen car collisions in Florida between 2012 and 2019, was intersection-related. Close behind was lane departure and distracted driving. Teen-related crashes are more likely to involve distracted driving than adult-only crashes.

What’s Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is a huge cause of teen car crashes in the United States. According to the NHTSA, distracted driving claimed over 3,000 lives in 2019. Distracted driving involves anything that distracts you from the road. This could be looking at your cell phone, eating or drinking while driving, changing the radio station, or even passengers in your vehicle. Avoiding distractions while driving is always the best thing to do and can even be life-saving.

Where Do Teen Crashes Take Place?

In Florida, teens are more likely to get in a collision in suburban areas than any other area. When it comes to adults and teens, all drivers are more likely to be involved in a crash in urban or suburban areas rather than rural areas.

What Time of Day Are Teen Crashes More Likely To Occur?

In 2019, most fatal teen-related crashes occurred from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Nighttime driving is especially risky for new teen drivers as visibility decreases at night, increasing the risk of a crash. There’s a reason why limits on night driving are placed on new drivers and these regulations should be followed.

Safety Tips For New Teenage Drivers

Safety is the most important factor when it comes to driving. As a new driver, it’s important that teens practice safe driving habits to keep themselves and others safe on the road. Below are some important safety tips for new drivers:

  • Avoid all distractions while driving. As explained above, distracted driving is one of the top causes of car collisions. Put your phone away or on “driving mode” when operating a motor vehicle and keep your focus on the road.
  • Obey the speed limit. Speed limits are put in place to keep you safe. Following the speed limit helps reduce the risk of an accident and avoid a speeding ticket.
  • Remain alert at intersections. Since teen-related crashes were most likely to occur at an intersection, make sure to be extra alert and cautious when approaching one. 
  • Limit passengers in your vehicle. Passengers can be a huge distraction and that’s why passenger limits are put in place for new drivers.
  • Take your time when driving. Avoid making quick decisions to save time. Don’t be in a hurry and take your time to make safe driving decisions.

Safety is the number one priority when it comes to driving. Since new teen drivers are especially at risk for collisions, it’s important to follow safety guidelines and practice good driving habits.

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